Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6

Instead of going back and filling in all that went on in the few days I've missed, I'm going to move forward and not overwhelm myself with that task. One thing I will mention is that I did resist the ice cream that night on day 2. But, I did have 2 Tbsp of it the next day. Everything in moderation, right?

Well, yesterday was not a good day at all. I was in a very bad mood. Feeling extremely emotional, I wanted to eat away my sorrows. Thankfully, I didn't but I managed to sulk in my bedroom in front of the tv watching Oprah getting back on track with her weight loss plan. I'm definitely an emotional eater. Food makes me feel good even if it's just temporary. I still don't have an alternative plan for what to do when I'm feeling emotional so another thing for my to do list.

My great news for the day is that I lost 3 pounds! YES! Oh, I guess now would be a time to declare my starting weight since I forgot to do that on day 1. Here it is: (hold the drumroll, please...no, really, please) 136 pounds. But, today I can say: 133 pounds. And, for visual aids here's my before pictures. I think I'll post one every other week or whenever my camera's not loaded with my cheesy kids.


  1. oh hey! congrats!! 3lbs.. that's like.. a half gallon of milk less that you're carrying around now :D (motivation? ;D)

    ahh..you emo-eater.. you know, there's euphoria in exercise.. no? How about drinking water when you're getting your craves. Or eating celery or other foods that actually make your body burn more than the calories it takes in from it. Here: http://www.ayushveda.com/dietfitness/negative-calorie-food-to-lose-weight/
    I know I'm awesome ;) .. or hey, here's another tip for your emo-eating.. how about writing instead ;D .. I'm made of pure genius.

  2. eat yo veggies :D .. and I vote for more pictures! Like.. of your meals, if not your body :D
